Katie Girl

Thursday, July 31, 2014
One of my favourite movies of all time is "The Way We Were" and one of the many TV shows that I can watch over and over, is Sex and the City. And when there's a reference of one in the other, it's just pure pop-culture heaven. Here's the quote from Sex and the city:

Miranda: Robert Redford is madly in love with Barbra Streisand 
Carrie: K-k-k-katie
Miranda: Right, but he can't be with her because she's too complicated and she had wild curly hair
Miranda: Yeah, so he leaves her and marries this simple girl, with straight hair
Carrie: Ladies, I am having an epiphany. The world is made up of two types of women: the simple girls and the Katie girls…I'm a Katie girl!”


Go-to List!

Friday, July 25, 2014
I believe every woman should have a go-to list by the time she is 30. Here are the few things I came up with and I have it on my evernote! I am a nerd, yes!